There is a common question that has been asked for centuries and it is, “What about the heathen – those who have never heard?” The question implies that a heathen is a person in some remote part of the world, cut off from any form of “civilization” and will never have the opportunity to hear the Gospel message. It implies that the heathen is ignorant of God or even a concept of a “higher power.” So, let’s examine the subject and answer the question based on the Word of God.
Are the Heathen Really Ignorant of God?
The Bible tells us that God has revealed Himself in several different ways, so that mankind is without excuse when it comes to knowing that God exists. As a matter of fact, in Romans Chapter 1 we are told that when they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God but changed Him into a creature made with hands (an idol). So how is God revealed?
God is revealed in natureaccording to Psalms 19:1-4 and Romans 1:20. An organized design indicates a designer. The universe with its stars, sun, and moon is evidence of an intelligent creator. The trees and plants, the changing seasons, the science involved in growth, etc. all point to an intelligent designer and creator – God. A good analogy is a painting or work of art – it too must have an artist, a designer or a creator.
God has also designed man with a consciencewith which to reach God-consciousness. There are several ways for mankind to reach God-consciousness and everyone, except for infants and the mentally handicapped, will reach a point at which they are aware that there is a God. (John 1:9; 6:44-45; Romans 1:18-19)
Here are five ways that a person can reach God-consciousness:
- Religious Approach – Man, regardless of how “uncivilized,” uneducated or remote geographically he may be, normally worships something. He may worship the sun, the moon, the trees, a rock, an animal, etc. This tells us that it is instinctive for man to worship a “higher” power than himself. This is obviously recognition of God on some level.
- Anthropological Approach – Man has a conscience with an innate urge to choose between right and wrong. If there is no God, then there is no good and evil, no right or wrong. Mankind innately knows that there is a higher standard for behavior, which logically demands a “standard maker” – God.
- Cosmological Approach – When man looks at the universe and reasons that there must be a cause and an effect to its design and operation, the conclusion must be reached, it had a designer – God.
- Ontological Approach – The human mind possesses the concept of the perfect, the absolute and should therefore conclude that there must be an absolute being – God.
- Teleological Approach – Man looks at the structure of things; a snowflake, a fingerprint, the universe, etc. and can only reach the logical conclusion that some intelligence, a master planner accomplished this – God.
Upon reaching God-consciousness, what is the responsibility of man and what is the responsibility of God? We must always remember that God does not want anyoneto perish. However, He will neverviolate man’s freewill. With that in mind, let’s discuss man’s responsibility. It is clear from Scripture that there is a certain group of people that will refuse the “light” they are given, regardless of which “approach” is used to bring them the “light.” If in fact a person, after reaching God-consciousness, does not desire further truth, God is no longer obligated to get the truth to that person. This, however, does not mean that God gives up on that person, though that person may give up on God. (II Peter 3:9; I Timothy 2:4; Romans 1:18-32; Isaiah 40:17-22; John 1:3-5,9; 9:41)
When a person does reach God-consciousness and makes a positive decision that he wants to know God, He (God) is then obligated to get truth to him. That person will be kept alive until truth can reach him. It may be weeks, months or years, but God is always faithful to bring them truth. (Deuteronomy 4:29; Psalms 9:10, 10:4; Jeremiah 29:13; John 7:17; Acts 17:22-31)
The Holy Spirit’s Ministry to the World
With regard to this subject, we must always remember that God the Holy Spirit is constantly at work convicting and convincing the world “of sin, righteousness and judgment.” The Holy Spirit will never fail in this ministry toward mankind, though the truth He reveals may be rejected time and again. The Holy Spirit uses many means and methods to reveal truth. He is always at work convincing mankind that they are sinners, that they lack the righteousness necessary for Heaven and that there is a judgment coming if they fail to appropriate the divine solution, Jesus Christ. (John 16:8)
Do not think for a moment that the Gospel is an Anglo-Saxon message and has never been heard in other parts of the world. The Gospel has been preached to the entire world in the past. There are many regions of which we are not even aware who have heard the Gospel. For centuries missionaries have taken the Gospel message to the remotest parts of the earth and continue to do so. For example, China and Africa, places normally associated with heathenism, are perhaps two of the most evangelized areas in the world. (Acts 2:5, 17:6; Romans 10:18; I Timothy 3:16; Titus 2:11)
Who Are the Real Heathen?
It is not the absence of the knowledge of God that makes a person a heathen, but rather the rejection of truth at either God-consciousness or Gospel-hearing. This means that heathenism can exist anywhere, even in the United States of America, when people reject truth. Heathenism is not confined to a specific geographical location. Heathenism is negative volition towards God and His Word, and can be found anywhere, even in churches! Romans 1:18-19 tells us that a heathen is someone who suppresses truth, and that God will pour out His wrath against that person (rejection of truth means a person has condemned himself). In verses 20 and 21 we are told that the heathen is a person who rejects truth at God-consciousness, “For the invisible things of Him… have been clearly seen…” And some reject truth upon Gospel hearing, “Because when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God…” The result of this rejection of God’s truth is emptiness (vacuum) and darkness (blackout) in the soul. The next few verses of this passage tell us where this leads and it is not a pretty picture: idol worship of man and animals, perversion of all kinds and unrighteousness in every aspect of life.
We see the spirit of heathenism prevalent throughout our society today. We see it in the breakdown of the family unit, the disobedience of children, in the lack of respect for authority, in the rise of sexual sins, in the corruption of business, the arrogance and lack of character in the political realm, in the sins of the religious community, in the greed of pseudo-Christianity, in the rise of emotionalism in the church and in the lack of doctrinal content from the pulpit.
What Should Be Our Response?
For a person who knows Jesus Christ as personal Savior, to ask the question, “What about the heathen?” means that they are questioning the power and the resources of God. Does anyone really believe that God is going to let someone perish who wants to know Him? Does anyone think that God is unable to provide truth to a person who desires truth? God is not limited by human means. If necessary, He will use a donkey or maybe you and me to communicate the truth of the Gospel to a person.
The opposite of heathenism is positive volition and a strict adherence to the truth. This means that we must first know truth and then apply that knowledge to every area of our lives. God’s desire is for all believers to grow up spiritually and to “disciple” themselves. A disciple of Christ is a person who accepts and follows His teachings. This cannotbe accomplished by overt activity, such as praying, witnessing, having fellowship with other believers or merely reading your Bible. These activities are what many Christians think constitutes the Christian Way of Life and spirituality. Jesus told His disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel and teachthem. In the Church Age we have the completed Cannon of Scripture and a believer can now “disciple” himself under the accurate teaching and application of God’s Word from his pastor-teacher in the privacy of his priesthood. (I Corinthians 2:9-16, 3:1-4; Matthew 28:19-20)
The Bible does not teach that activities will make you spiritual. Any believer who is controlled by the Holy Spirit is spiritual, whether or not he engages in the above activities. However, not all believers are spiritually mature or even growing spiritually. All of the above activities are actually a part of the Christian Way of Life and God commands us to do them all. However, these types of activities are to be executed properly under the filling of the Holy Spirit and properly motivated by your love for God. A novice Christian (a person can know Christ as Savior for many years and still be a novice Christian) does not know how to pray properly, to witness effectively, the true meaning of fellowship, nor can he understand Bible doctrine by merely reading through the Bible. It takes spiritual growth before a believer can properly execute these overt activities and produce divine good, instead of human good. (Ephesians 5:18; Galatians 5:16; I John 1:1-10)
It is the job of the pastor-teacher to equip believers by teaching sound Bible doctrine. Knowledge and application of Bible doctrine is the only way a Christian will ever be equipped to execute the Christian Way of Life. As a believer grows spiritually (his relationship with God), he also begins to develop an effective prayer life. He looks for every opportunity to share the Gospel with others. He attends Bible class where he engages in true Christian fellowship. He sets aside time daily for private, personal study of the doctrines of the Bible. (Ephesians 4:11-15; Hebrews 5:11-14; II Peter 3:18)
As believers in Jesus Christ, it is our responsibility and privilege to represent our Savior here on earth. God does not want a bunch of religious nuts running around misrepresenting Him. What He wants is to produce the spiritual fruit of Galatians 5:22-23 in the life of every believer. This fruit of the Spiritisthe character of Jesus Christ. (John 15:7-8)
If it is your desire to “serve” God (and it should be) then you must make learning and applying Bible doctrine the number one priority in your life. You will learn that divine production, which is serving God, can be either overt or invisible. As you grow up spiritually, you will realize that the best place for you to serve is right where God has placed you. If you want to win others to Christ, start with your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. If you want a social life with other Christians of like-mind then invite them over to your house and socialize. Growing up spiritually means taking charge ofyour ownspiritual life and not depending on others to lead you or “disciple” you (which usually means sticking their nose in places it doesn’t belong, like your personal life or telling you what they think you’re doing wrong). What you do as a believer is NOBODY’S business except YOURS and GOD’S.
A spiritually mature person does not depend on others to motivate him to do God’s will. A spiritually mature believer is motivated by what he is learning from God’s Word. A spiritually mature believer understands that he must first learn Bible doctrine as a Royal Priest and then apply what he learns as a Royal Ambassador to people and to circumstances. Any other method results in a totally imbalanced life (putting the cart before the horse). Unfortunately, “putting the cart before the horse” is exactly what we have today in most churches. There are many names given to this method such as “purpose-driven” and “seeker-sensitive,” and people are flocking to them by the thousands. Why? Because this method appeals to their emotions and temporarily makes them feel good. But where is the stability of soul that is needed when tragedy strikes? Stability of soul comes only from the knowledge and the application of Bible doctrine.