Lesson for June 24, 2012
Christian Integrity
The Construction of the Edification Complex of the Soul.
The edification complex of the soul is technical nomenclature found in the epistles of the New Testament for the attainment of spiritual maturity. The consistent function of intake and application of Bible doctrine is the only way to construct an edification complex of the soul.
The foundation is constructed on the basis of the saving work of Jesus Christ on the Cross, i.e., redemption, propitiation, reconciliation, imputation, and justification. The foundation is instantly constructed the very second we believe in Christ. The moment you personally believed in Jesus Christ, a foundation was constructed, comprised of the forty spiritual assets from God. The foundation is Jesus Christ. (II Timothy 2:19, “Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal; the Lord knows those who are His.” 1 Corinthians 3:11, “No one can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”)
The first floor is consistent perception, and application of Bible doctrine, which results in converting “gnosis” knowledge (academic knowledge) into “epignosis” knowledge (spiritual knowledge).
The second floor is comprised of the unique characteristics of the Church Age. We have several unique things in the Church Age that believers in other dispensations did not possess:
- The baptism of the Spirit, which results in the creation of a new “spiritual species,” the Royal Family of God.
- The protocol plan of God is unique for the Royal Family of God.
- The 40 spiritual assets belong to each one of us as Royal Family of God.
- The Royal Family of God. We have equal privilege and equal opportunity to execute the Christian Way of Life. Some believers will advance to maturity and become winners and some will not.
- We have our royal commissions: Royal priesthood and Royal ambassadorship.
- We have the doctrines of the Church Age, which are different than other dispensations.
- Every member of the Trinity indwells every believer. This never existed before in history!
- We have the unique availability of divine power. Never before in history has divine omnipotence been available for use to every believer.
- This is the first time in history when there are no prophecies to be fulfilled.
A dispensation is a period of human history expressed in terms of divine viewpoint. It is the administration of God’s purpose for the human race, by which a person can adjust to the justice and righteousness of God.
There are various ways in which to classify the dispensations.
Dispensation of the Gentiles- Genesis 1-11
- From Adam to Abraham
- Patriarchal priesthood
- One Language: unknown
- One Race: Gentile
- One Culture
Dispensation of Israel- Genesis 12 thru Malachi 4
- From Abraham to the Birth of Jesus Christ
- Jewish nation established
- Levitical priesthood
- Law of Moses (includes the Ten Commandments)
- Many Races
- Many Languages (Tower of Babel)
- Conditional and Unconditional Covenants given to Israel
- Holy Spirit temporarily indwells certain believers
Dispensation of the Hypostatic Union- Matthew 1 thru Acts 1
- From the birth of Jesus Christ to the ascension of Jesus Christ
- Christ proclaims the Kingdom to Israel
- Israel rejects the Messiah
- Christ prophesies the Church Age
- Christ lives a sinless life as an example to believers
- New Covenant
- Death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Christ fulfills the Mosaic Law
Dispensation of the Church- Acts 2 thru Revelation 4
- From Pentecost to the Rapture
- Royal priesthood of the believer
- A mystery in the Old Testament is now revealed
- Holy Spirit permanently indwells the believer
- Canon of Scripture completed
- Law of Christ
- Exit of the church as the bride of Christ (Rapture)
Dispensation of the Tribulation- Revelation 5-20
- From the Rapture to the Second Coming
- A seven years period continued from the Dispensation of Israel
- Holy Spirit removed (all restraint of sin is gone)
- Satan attempts to set up his own millennium (world peace, etc.) and fails
- Anti-Christ is revealed after 3 ½ years and sets up his throne in the Temple
- Time of great persecution of the Jews
- The battle of Armageddon
- Satan bound for a thousand years
Dispensation of the Millennium- Revelation 21-22
- From the Second Coming to the Great White Throne Judgment
- Jesus Christ is the Great High Priest
- Christ rules on earth
- Universal peace
- Universal prosperity
- Longevity of life
- Perfect environment
- All covenants to Israel fulfilled
- Universal knowledge of God
The third floor is made up of the problem solving devices: rebound, the filling of the Spirit, the faith-rest drill, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, a personal sense of destiny, personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, sharing the happiness of God, and occupation with the Person of Christ.
The fourth floor is spiritual self-esteem characterized by self-confidence. Here is where you begin to apply and use Bible doctrine. Whereas before you grabbed Bible promises and used them, now you grab whole chunks of doctrine and use them. Now you are becoming powerful in your spiritual life.
The fifth floor is spiritual autonomy characterized by independence. Now you have really grown up, because you have at your fingertips all the doctrinal rationales you need to push your way through life and glorify God.
The sixth floor is spiritual maturity characterized by invincibility. The mature believer cannot be defeated by Satan’s world system.
The seventh floor is the invisible impact of a mature believer. 1) Personal impact through blessing by association to others. 2) Historical impact through blessing by association to the client nation as a part of the pivot of mature believers. 3) International impact through blessing by association to other nations through missionary activity. 4) Angelic impact as a witness for God against Satan and the fallen angels. 5) Heritage impact through blessing by association to loved ones.
The Christian Way of Life is a life of thinking the thoughts of Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:5, says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” The mind of Christ is the doctrine found in the Word of God, the only source of absolute truth. In order to have the proper thinking, the believer must be consistently learning, believing and applying the Word of God to every circumstance in life.
God has given all believers a command to grow spiritually and He never gives us a command without giving us the means necessary to obey it. God, therefore, has provided His written instruction book (the Bible) and the filling (control) of the Holy Spirit. Both are grace functions for every believer in this age, regardless of education or I.Q. Any believer with a positive attitude towards Bible doctrine can learn, believe and apply it accurately.
Spiritual maturity does not happen overnight. It takes a lifetime of persistent and consistent study to learn Bible doctrine. As we have seen, God’s Word likens spiritual growth to building a house. Expressed as edification, the concept in Greek is to build or to build up. For the Christian, this occurs in his soul as he exposes himself to accurate Bible teaching and applies the truth that he learns. The written Word of God is meant to be understood and utilized as a blueprint for building your spiritual building (the Christian Way of Life).
The basis for any system from God is always grace. The word grace itself makes it clear that God’s system for building the spiritual building is void of any human merit, human works, human ability or human viewpoint thinking. The reason that God planned it this way is to eliminate human viewpoint thinking and human production as the means for building anything spiritual. Instead, He provided a non-meritorious system for both perception and execution of the Christian Way of Life: FAITH. We learn how to erect this building in our souls by faith and it takes faith to put into practice. This method is the only one that can bring honor and glory to God. (Hebrews 11:6)
As believer-priests, we have the opportunity to build a spiritual building in our souls. With Christ as our example, we simply follow His pattern. Christ, as a perfect human being, built this building under the filling of the Holy Spirit as He learned and applied the Word of God. As we abide in Him (fellowship with God) and His word abides in us (Bible doctrine) we are allowing God the Holy Spirit to produce the character of Christ in our lives. (John 15:10)