Lesson for February 11, 2024
The Excellence of Virtue
Philippians 4:8-9
“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence (virtue) and if anything is worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
As believers in Jesus Christ, we should be concentrating (dwelling) on things that honor and glorify God. The first of these things is whatever is true. The Greek word for true is “alethes,” which means what is accurate or truthful. For believers, accurate Bible doctrine is the truth that we should be dwelling on. Truth refers to the doctrines, the principles, and the policies of God in the Word of God. Divine Viewpoint Thinking is a way of thinking that changes a believer’s norms and standards to align with God’s and increases their capacity to receive divine blessings. Divine Viewpoint Thinking is thinking the way Christ thought, since the Word of God is the mind of Christ. (I Corinthians 2:16)
The second thing to think about is whatever is honorable. The Greek word for honorable is “semnos” meaning honest, noble, or worthy of respect. The truth of Bible doctrine in the soul of a believer is honest and noble and what should influence the way we think. We are Royal Family of God and God expects us to live our lives on earth as royalty, as His representatives. As believers in Christ, we are to live on a higher plane than unbelievers or believers in a state of reversionism. We are commanded many times throughout Scripture to separate ourselves from the thinking of the world system of Satan (Human Viewpoint Thinking) and those who teach false doctrine. (II Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 5:6-14)
The third thing to think about is whatever is right. The Greek word for right is “dikaios, “which means righteous, equitable, fair, or just. It is righteousness in the sense of the fulfilment of the divine statutes or the righteousness which God requires of believers.
It is the responsibility of all believers to live out what is already inside them, which is the righteousness of God. This is called practical righteousness or experiential sanctification. This can be accomplished using the two power options of the Christian life, which are the filling of the Holy Spirit and Bible doctrine in the soul.
The fourth thing to think about is whatever is pure. The Greek word for pure is “hagnos,” which means not contaminated or undefiled. It is talking about avoiding the defilement of Satan’s world system, Human Viewpoint Thinking, false satanic doctrine, and evil. Contamination from Satan’s world system will destroy a believer’s spiritual life. Purity of thought is possible only if a believer has enough Bible doctrine in their soul to keep the impure influences of Satan’s world system from entering their soul and ruining their spiritual lives.
The fifth thing to think about is whatever is lovely. The Greek word for lovely is “prosphiles, [pros –toward; phileo – to love) which means pleasing or agreeable. What should be pleasing and agreeable for a believer is personal love toward God and impersonal love toward all mankind.
The sixth thing to think about is whatever is of good repute. The Greek word for good repute is“euphemos,” which means commendable. For advancing believers the things that are commendable are those things that become a part of their spiritual life. They include, but are not limited to, our 40 spiritual assets, our Portfolio of Invisible Assets, the Ten Problem-Solving Devices, the Protocol Plan of God, and the Divine Dynasphere.
The seventh thing to think about is if there is any excellence. “If” is a first-class condition which means “if and it’s true.” The Greek word for excellence is “arete,” which means virtue. Virtue is moral excellence in the human realm. In the spiritual realm, virtue is the quality of divine good produced by the filling of the Holy Spirit and application of Bible doctrine.
The eighth thing to think about is if anything is worthy of praise. Once again, “if” is a first-class condition which means “if and it’s true.” The Greek word for praise is “epainos,” which means approval, recognition, or praiseworthy. God and His Word are praiseworthy. Our Savior Jesus Christ is praiseworthy. Praiseworthy means something is worthy of our approval and our recognition.
The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. The things are the doctrines, concepts, principles, and policies of God found only in the Word of God. The Greek word for learned is “manthano,” which means to learn and understand. In this case, Paul is referring to believers in Philippi who had advanced spiritually and he was encouraging them to continue to apply these things in their lives.
The Greek word for received is “paralambano” [para = beside; lambanw = to receive], which means to take to one’s side, to receive to oneself and implies agreement, approval, and therefore acceptance. “Paralambano” means accepting by believing what has been taught. This means the doctrine taught by Paul had become “epignosis” or full spiritual knowledge. Knowing doctrine academically is not enough. You must understand, believe, and apply accurate doctrine to advance in the Christian life.
The Greek word for heard is “akouo,” which means to hear and concentrate, to hear and accept. It refers to every time a believer assembles in the local church and listens to the pastor teach Bible doctrine. All spiritual growth from learning accurate Bible doctrine demands respect for God’s authority, the authority of the one communicating doctrine, and concentration on what is being taught.
The Greek word for seen is “horao,” which means a panoramic view. This means not only to see, but to have mental perceptive. For believers, it means to understand and apply the whole realm of Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine, when taught in a systematic way, brings all the doctrines of the Word of God into focus. Any advancing believer, when filled with the Holy Spirit, can see the panoramic view of the plan of God. And these believers in Philippi had the perfect example in the Apostle Paul, so he encouraged them to follow his lead.
Practice these things means to apply or to put into action. Doctrine must first be resident in the soul to put the plan of God into action. Practice means to be “a doer of the Word and not a hearer only.” (James 1:22)
And the God of peace will be with you means God will prosper you as you continue to advance in the Christian life. The Holy Spirit will be with you to help and guide you through the various stages of spiritual adulthood. The Greek word for peace is “eirene,” which means wholeness, prosperity, or made perfect. For the advancing believer, God and His Word are the sources of prosperity and spiritual maturity. The excellence of virtue is spiritual strength of character!