Lesson for December 17, 2023
The Truth About Christmas
The historical record of the birth of Christ is well documented both biblically, and secularly. It is safe to say that no other Person in history has changed the world in the way that Jesus of Nazareth changed it. (Matthew 1:18-25; Isaiah 7:14)
According to Psalms 2:7, the virgin birth of Christ was planned in eternity past. The virgin birth was also prophesied in the Old Testament in Isaiah 7:14, about 700 BC. God prepared a nation (Israel) for the virgin birth of Christ according to Genesis 12:1-3. This great nation of Israel would be the nation from which Jesus Christ would be born.
The virgin birth of Christ fulfilled the Davidic Covenant. This covenant was the unconditional promise from God that David would have a son who would reign forever. (II Samuel 7, Psalms 89, II Chronicles 21) The lineage of Mary can be traced to David. (Luke 3:23-38) The lineage of Joseph, Christ’s legal guardian, can be traced to David as well. (Matthew 1:1-17) Christ, therefore, has both a birthright and a legal right to the throne of David (a throne that will be set up during the Millennium upon which Christ will sit and rule the world).
Most of us are familiar with the story. However, many are not familiar with the doctrine of the birth of Christ and its impact upon the world. Foretold for thousands of years throughout the Old Testament by prophets, priests, and kings, the virgin birth of Christ was the fulfillment of prophecy. For those who knew the Scriptures, this event was a fulfillment of all that they had been taught with regard to the coming Messiah (Anointed One). The place and manner of His birth had long been prophesied by Jews and Gentiles alike. His birth caused kings to fear, wise men to rejoice, and angels to sing. (Matthew 1:18-25; Isaiah 7:14)
More than a mere human being, Jesus Christ is the God-man, being fully divine and fully human. We call this union in theology the Hypostatic Union. This term is derived from the Greek word for essence, “hupostatis.” Jesus Christ is the essence of God, being Himself fully God. He is also the essence of mankind, being fully human.
Jesus Christ is the unique Person of the universe. This union of deity and humanity uniquely qualifies Christ to be the only mediator between God and mankind. (John 10:31; 12:45; 14:7; 15:24; Colossians 2:9)
His birth was also unique because it was the only virgin birth in history. This means that Christ was born without a sin nature, a very important fact, as we will see. Without a sin nature and under the control of God the Holy Spirit, Christ was able not to sin. In His deity, He could not sin and in His humanity, He was able not to sin. Deity remains deity and humanity remains humanity. Therefore, Jesus Christ is both God and man in one Person, forever. (Hebrews 4:15; I Peter 1:19)
The hypostatic union of Christ is personal in that a new Person came into being at the Virgin Birth. Christ was not merely in harmony with God nor did He merely indwell or possess the humanity of Jesus. Jesus was born a man, in the same way that we are born, yet He remained deity. This is why He is so unique! (John 14:18-21; Romans 8:9-10; II Corinthians 13:5; Ephesians 3:17-19; Colossians 1:27; Revelation 3:20)
The hypostatic union is eternal in that Christ will never cease to be a member of the human race. We are told that Christ is seated in the place of honor at the right hand of God the Father. This, of course, is a testimony to the fact that God is completely satisfied with Christ’s execution of the plan of salvation for mankind. We must also remember that it is the humanity of Christ Who is seated at God’s right hand. Deity is omnipresent and does not sit. (Acts 5:31; Hebrews 1:3)
The fact that Christ is sinless uniquely qualifies Him to be our mediator with God. Unlike Jesus, we are born with a sin nature that has been passed down to us genetically. It is Adam’s original sin, which every person is born with, that separates us from God and keeps us from having a relationship with Him. Created in the image of God, man was designed to have a personal relationship with God. It was an act of disobedience against God by Adam and Eve that caused this separation to exist. But God in His grace had already designed a plan to solve this problem. (Hebrews 8:6; 9:15; 12:24)
The plan, formulated in eternity past, called for a sin-bearer to bridge the gap between God and man. This sin-bearer had to be uniquely qualified, however. He had to have no sin of his own, he had to be equal with both parties involved, and he had to be willing to bear the sin of the entire human race. Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, agreed to execute the plan. Therefore, Jesus Christ became a man, lived a sinless life, and became our sin-bearer. (Romans 5:8; II Corinthians 5:21)
The sin-bearer is described in detail in the Book of Ruth as the kinsman redeemer. The kinsman redeemer had to meet certain requirements by Jewish law in order to redeem (buy back) a relative from slavery or servitude. The requirements for this kinsman redeemer were that he had to be a relative, he had to be able monetarily to pay the price of redemption, and he had to be willing to pay the redemption price. In the Book of Ruth, we see Boaz fulfill all of these requirements and redeem Ruth. Boaz is the perfect type of Christ, our kinsman redeemer. It is Christ Who has met the purchase price for our salvation, as a willing sacrifice for our sin. Christ is related to mankind, the only Person Who could meet the price for our ransom, and He willingly sacrificed Himself on our behalf. Therefore, Jesus Christ met all the requirements of a kinsman redeemer and purchased us from the slave market of sin. (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; I Timothy 2:6)
From humble beginnings, this unique Person of the universe grew to manhood and began an amazing journey. Part of His journey from age thirty to age thirty-three was recorded for us by four of His followers, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. We are very fortunate to have been given this record. It is this record of Christ that not only teaches us how we are to treat one another, it also records the greatest love story of all time. (Genesis 3:15; II Samuel 7:5-17; Isaiah 7:14)
This love story is between the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ and His creations, mankind. Because of His great love, Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. (John 3:16) The Christmas story is the beginning. Not willing that anyone would perish and spend eternity separated from God, Jesus Christ voluntarily became our sin-bearer. As we celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas, let’s not forget the purpose of His birth!!! John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for his friends.”