Lesson for June 28, 2023
Principles for Christian Living
Lesson 8
Christian Service
Christian service is the result of the proper application of Bible doctrine. First, a believer must be equipped with knowledge of Bible doctrine before they can be effective in Christian service. Christian service means a believer is serving God, which results in serving others. The performance of Christian service is the result of knowledge and application of Bible doctrine and produces divine good under the filling of God the Holy Spirit.
Divine good is good of lasting value that is rewardable at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Christian service (divine production) is the responsibility of every believer. The phrase “fulltime Christian service” normally means being a pastor, evangelist, missionary, or a person involved in some Christian service organization. Fulltime Christian service is not spending time performing good deeds or functioning in some extensive system of good works. Fulltime Christian service is fulfilling God’s plan for your life. Human good works are often called Christian service and used as a substitute for spirituality. Since divine production and Christian service are synonymous terms, a believer must be filled with the Holy Spirit (in fellowship with God) to consider themselves performing Christian service. (Ephesians 2:10;
I Corinthians 3:12-15)
Christian service is related to your spiritual gift. At the moment of salvation, every believer receives a spiritual gift from God the Holy Spirit. He knows the best spiritual gift for each one of us. All spiritual gifts are discovered through learning and applying Bible doctrine. Some people try to select their spiritual gift through emotionalism or arrogance, and it is always wrong. It is the Holy Spirit Who gives spiritual gifts, and they automatically begin to function as a believer experiences spiritual growth. These gifts are related to both our Royal Priesthood and our Royal Ambassadorship. (I Corinthians 12)
Christian service is related to your Royal Priesthood, according to I Peter 2:5-9: Revelation 1:6, 5:10, 20:6. As a priest, you represent yourself before God. Intercessory prayer is a Christian service when you pray for others.
Giving money to support your local church or any ministry is Christian service. Giving is a private matter between you and the Lord. This is to be grace giving with no strings attached.
Christian service is related to your Royal Ambassadorship, according to
II Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:20) An ambassador does not appoint himself but is appointed by a higher authority. Ambassadors do not support themselves but are supported by the authority which sent them. An ambassador’s instructions are in written form. For us it the Bible doctrine within the Word of God. Ambassadors are not citizens of the country to which they are sent. As believers, we have a heavenly citizenship but serve in Satan’s world system as Christ’s representatives.
Christian service is the result of spiritual growth, never the means. Christian service is a legitimate function of the Protocol Plan of God. Christian service, like all functions of divine good, is always the result of the filling of the Holy Spirit and application of Bible doctrine. Christian service must always be done “as unto the Lord” to be effective.
For every believer there are only two choices after salvation: 1) execute God’s plan 2) execute your own plan and play into Satan’s hand. The first will result in what the Bible calls gold, silver, and precious stones, analogous to divine production on earth. The second will result in what the Bible calls wood, hay, and straw, analogous to human production on earth. Both will be judged (represented by fire) at the Judgment Seat. When gold, silver, and precious stones are subjected to fire, it purifies them and enhances their value. When wood, hay, and straw are subjected to fire they are burned up. It is only divine production that survives the Judgment Seat of Christ and is rewardable. (I Corinthians 3:13-15)
Divine production is good of lasting value done by believers when they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Divine production is a result of spiritual growth, and it is a grace function of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers. Therefore, all the honor and glory belong to God, not to believers.
All other production is human good and contributes nothing to your spiritual life. Human good can bea distraction, if not understood and if it is allowed to be a substitute for your spiritual life. Going to church, giving money, praying, witnessing, fellowshipping with other Christians can be either divine production or human good depending upon whether a believer is filled with the spirit or not filled with the Spirit. Divine production adds nothing to your spiritual life because it is the result of your spiritual life (your private relationship with God). You do not have a spiritual life apart from the knowledge and application of God’s Word. NO BIBLE DOCTRINE, NO RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, NO TRUE LOVE FOR GOD! (John 4:24; Romans 12:1-2; II Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; II Peter 3:18)
The Judgment Seat of Christ is a serious matter, not to be taken lightly. As a believer you cannot lose your salvation and you will be happy for all eternity, whether you live your spiritual life or not. But what a tragic waste of a life and what a tremendous loss of rewards. But most tragic of all is when a believer has to stand face-to-face with Jesus Christ and explain to Him why they failed to glorify Him while they were here on earth. (II Timothy 2:11-13)