Lesson for February 19, 2023
The Victorious Christian Way of Life – Lesson 8
The Protocol Plan of God
Protocol is strict adherence to precisely correct procedure. In the case of the believer, protocol is strict adherence to the instructions from God’s Word and using the correct procedure for carrying out those instructions. By learning and applying doctrine found in the Bible, believers can fulfill God’s plan for their lives. When this truth is presented from the Word of God in a systematic manner, it allows any believer to grow spiritually (regardless of I.Q.) by following God’s plan.
God, in His grace, has set up certain protocols that must be strictly adhered to if a believer is going to advance in their spiritual life. Random intake of Bible doctrine will not accomplish the goal. If a believer is to properly execute God’s plan, they must be consistent in learning and applying Bible doctrine. There is no other plan for believers in this Age.
Believers receive all the necessary tools for fulfilling of the plan of God. The objective for believers should be to reach the status of spiritual maturity. Only by residing in God’s power system under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit can believers reach this status.
God’s policy for dealing with mankind is always His grace. This grace begins with providing salvation through Jesus Christ. Since Christ paid the penalty for the sin of the entire human race, anyone can have eternal life and be saved from eternal separation from God. All that God requires is a simple act of faith in Jesus Christ (apart from any human merit). This simply means that you are relying (trusting) upon Jesus Christ for eternal life and not your good works or anything else. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
After salvation, God’s policy continues to be grace. Only by understanding His grace can a believer fulfill the plan of God. The Christian Way of Life was not designed to be a life of human good works performed as a means of gaining the approval of God. The Christian Way of Life is a life of thinking divine viewpoint, which results in the production of divine good. (Titus 2:12)
God’s power system is based on a strict adherence to divine truth. You cannot adhere to something that you know absolutely nothing about. When believers begin to learn about God’s character and attributes, they become motivated to love Him and depend on Him in every circumstance of life. The natural result of your love for God will be impersonal love for others, based on the character of Christ that you have developed in your soul.
There is a point of reference with God under the protocol plan and that is the love of God. This isn’t emotional feelings often called love, but the genuine love of God based on His integrity. This is “agape” love, God’s unconditional love for all mankind that caused Him to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for sin. When Christian integrity is developed in believers, they are able to exhibit love for God and others on the basis of God’s character within them.
Our authority for the protocol plan is the Word of God. It is the Word of God that establishes the standard by which all teachings, experiences, and actions are judged. Any teaching, experience, or action that does not fully agree with Scripture is wrong. Those who distort, change, or misuse God’s Word are “false apostles” and “ministers of Satan.” Believers are to identify them and avoid them.
God’s protocol plan has a result. The result is the ability of advancing believers to make good decisions from a position of strength, to take control of their spiritual lives, and to develop a personal sense of destiny.
The Protocol Plan of God also has an enemy – the world system of Satan. Satan attempts to mimic God’s power system. The power of the Holy Spirit is replaced by human emotion and ecstatic behavior. Divine Viewpoint Thinking is replaced with Human Viewpoint Thinking. God’s grace policy is replaced by a system of human good works. And strength of character is replaced by a charismatic personality and political correctness.
God’s protocol plan has a purpose, which is to glorify Jesus Christ. Glorifying Christ is accomplished as believers exhibit the character of Jesus Christ which can be developed only by the Holy Spirit as He is allowed to fully influence the thinking of believers. Bible doctrine is how the Holy Spirit guides us through life’s journey.
The Eleven Principles of the Protocol Plan of God
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system of authority. God has delegated that authority in two spheres: 1] in the temporal sphere, the Laws of Divine Establishment (government) 2] in the spiritual realm, Bible doctrine, communicated by the spiritual gift of pastor-teacher. (Psalms 33:12; Ephesians 4:11)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a spiritual life for each believer. Therefore, you and you alone are the only one who can live your spiritual life – no one else can live it for you. (I John 1:5-10)
- The Protocol Plan of God recognizes the volition of believers. Each believer is a production of their own decisions, whether they are positive or negative. Volition is important for establishing values. As you establish values, those values dictate the manner and function of your own volition [free will]. (Philippians 2:1-16)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system for advancement (spiritual growth), which is the knowledge of and application of accurate Bible doctrine. (II Peter 3:18)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system of problem-solving devices related to Bible doctrine in your soul. The Christian Way of Life was designed for you to personally resolve your own problems without interference from others. (Ephesians 4:11-16; Hebrews 5:11-14)
- The Protocol Plan of God has both historical and individual time reference. The historical time reference is the unique dispensation of the Church Age. The individual time reference is from the moment you believed in Christ till the moment of your death or resurrection [Rapture], whichever occurs first. (Colossians 1:25-29)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a Portfolio of Invisible (spiritual) Assets provided for each believer in eternity past. (Ephesians 1:3)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system of invisible impact on history, which comes in 5 categories: 1] personal impact – blessing by association with a spiritually mature believer. For example, one spouse in a marriage is an unbeliever or a believer not living their spiritual life. When God blesses the advancing believer, their spouse is blessed as well. 2] historical impact– blessing by association to the client nation through spiritually mature believers. For example, God blesses a nation with freedom and prosperity because of the advancing believers in the nation – freedom to evangelize and teach Bible doctrine. 3] international impact – blessing by association to a non-client nation through missionary function. For example, a spiritually mature believer goes to a foreign country to share the Gospel and establish doctrinal churches. God honors their effort by providing freedom to do so. And as people come to know Christ and follow the principles of Scripture, the nation as a whole is blessed. 4] angelic impact – spiritually mature believers becoming witnesses for God in Satan’s appeal trial. There is an impact from spiritually mature believers’ lives and testimonies within the Angelic Conflict, whereby Satan and the fallen angels are proven to be wrong about God’s fairness and justice. 5] heritage impact – blessing by association with spiritually mature believers after their death. For example, when a spiritually mature believer dies, they leave behind a doctrinal legacy for their family and friends. And the contentment and joy they have about meeting Christ in Heaven as they are dying is a great testimony to those around them. (Romans 11:1-12)
- The Protocol Plan of God has precisely correct procedure, based on the principle that God has only one way of doing everything – a right thing, done in a right way. (I Corinthians 14:40)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system of eternal rewards for each believer who executes the Protocol Plan of God. (I Corinthians 3:12-15)
- The Protocol Plan of God has an enemy – arrogance. God makes war against arrogant believers, but He gives grace to humble believers. Arrogance is always failure under the Protocol Plan of God. (James 4:6; I Peter 5:5-6)
(From a lesson by Pastor R.B. Thieme, Jr., Berachah Church, Houston, Texas)