Lesson for August 8, 2021
Epistemological Rehabilitation
Epistemology is a branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge – it investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. Epistemology aims to answer questions such as “What do we know?”, “What does it mean to say that we know something?”, “What makes justified beliefs justified?”, and “How do we know that we know?”. R.B. Thieme, Jr., former pastor of Berachah Church in Houston, Texas, taught a Bible doctrine he called Epistemological Rehabilitation. He defined the term as “the interaction between the function of the believer’s positive volition and his persistence in expressing that positive volition through the intake of doctrine. Therefore, ignorance is excluded by the interaction of volition with cognition.” Using this definition, we can see that the possibility exists for believers to know something that can be verified and justified by knowledge of the Word of God, the Bible.
The only source of absolute truth is the Word of God. The doctrines and principles we find in the Word of God are all based on God’s absolute truth. The very words of Scripture were inspired by God the Holy Spirit and penned by men specifically chosen by God for the task. (II Timothy 3:16-17) In the Person of Jesus Christ, we have the revelation of that absolute truth. Jesus is identified as the Word in John 1. John 1:14, “And the Word (Jesus Christ) became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and (absolute) truth.”
When human beings attempt to understand God apart from the absolute truth found in His Word, the Bible, they distort the true nature and character of God. We might call this “pigeon-holing” God into a being that fits their image of God or what they want their god to be. God is God and no one can change Who He is or what He says. As a matter of fact, there is a warning in the last chapter of the Bible in Revelation 22:18 not to change the revelation from God. It says not to add to it or take away from it. This applies to any portion of Scripture because it is the revealed Word of God.
Everyone acquires knowledge in three ways: rationalism, empiricism, or faith.
Rationalism is defined in the dictionary as a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason, logic, and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response. The dictionary also says that philosophy defines rationalism as the theory that reason rather than experience is the foundation of certainty in knowledge.
Empiricism is defined by the dictionary as the philosophy of knowledgeby observation. It holds that the best way to gain knowledge is to see, hear, touch, or otherwise sense things directly. In stronger versions, it holds that this is the only kind of knowledge that really counts. Empiricism has been extremely important to the history of science, as various thinkers over the centuries have proposed that all knowledge should be tested empirically rather than just through thought experiments or rational calculation. Empiricism is an idea about how we know things, which means it belongs to the field of Epistemology.
Faith is defined by the dictionary as confidence or trust in a person or thing, belief that is not based on proof, and belief that is based on God or in the doctrines and teachings of religion.
Let’s first remember that Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Religion is a man-made system of trying to gain God’s approval by human works or ritual. The word religion comes from two Latin words, “re” meaning back and “ligio” meaning to bind. Religion seeks to bind the individual back to God by human effort. Christianity teaches that God is able to bind us to Himself when we accept the payment that Christ made on the Cross for our sin by faith, apart from any human effort. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Faith is the way that we acquire salvation and eternal life, and faith is how we come to know God and His Word. However, the Word of God does not define faith as the dictionary defines it. Biblical faith is always based on facts, not theories, and the absolute truth from God which He has given us in His Word. These facts are the only proof a believer needs to put their complete trust and confidence in God.
Faith is the Greek word “pistis” meaning a system of belief (Bible doctrine), believing and faithfulness. Since everyone uses faith to acquire knowledge, we must distinguish between the objects of faith. For believers in Jesus Christ, the object of our faith is Jesus Christ for salvation. After salvation, the object of our faith is the Word of God. Faith that is placed in any other person or source of knowledge other than Jesus Christ and His Word is not Biblical faith. Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].”
Believers are instructed to study the Word of God in order to be approved by God in II Timothy 2:15. Believers are also instructed to be transformed by the renewing of their minds in Romans 12:2. Furthermore, believers are told to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ in II Peter 3:18. The only way we can follow and fufill God’s instructions is by rehabilitating (reconstructing, renovating) our minds. Changing the base of knowledge which we’ve had for many years (that is contrary to God and His Word) over to knowledge of accurate Bible doctrine renovates our thinking. Knowledge of God’s Word is how believers verify and justify what they believe.
Resistance to Bible doctrine includes at least four categories: 1) indifference because of wrong priorities -if your mind is not on what is being taught and your mind is somewhere else, you won’t be interested in learning. But if Bible doctrine is a priority for you, you’ll set aside all your problems and difficulties in order to learn doctrine. 2) rejection of what is being taught because of lack of concentration or laziness in thinking. Many people never want to think or increase their vocabulary, but studying doctrine categorically helps you organize your mind. 3) rejection of the authority of your pastor-teacher because you don’t like his personality, how he looks or by some characteristic you don’t like. 4) preoccupation with self and self-centeredness, which is arrogance and always contradicts the Protocol Plan of God.
Believers who resist, reject, or ignore Bible doctrine become ignorant believers, and can come from any walk of life. A believer can be extremely intelligent and have a great deal of knowledge in their field of study and yet be an ignorant believer. Or they can be very wealthy and respected by others and thought to be highly skilled in making money. Or perhaps they are famous people with great personalities. Yet, they are all losers as far as the spiritual life is concerned if they do have a wealth of accurate knowledge of God’s Word. Many times, these believers involve themselves in Christian activism by becoming crusaders for certain causes in an attempt to change Satan’s world system.
Since God is perfect, His plan for us is also perfect and no contradictions can exist inside God’s protocol plan. Ignorance of Bible doctrine contradicts the plan of God. Therefore, a believer who is a serious student of God’s Word will want to know and understand the Protocol Plan of God. Protocol is strict adherence to precisely correct procedure. In the case of believers, protocol is strict adherence to the instructions from God’s Word and using the correct procedure for carrying out those instructions. These instructions and the correct procedures are found in only one place, the Word of God. By learning and applying the truth found in the Bible, believers can fulfill God’s plan and live their best life that He has personalized, customized, and planned for them. When this truth is presented from the Word of God in a systematic manner, it allows any believer to grow spiritually, regardless of I.Q., by following God’s plan.
The goal of any believer who is serious about spiritual growth and reaching spiritual maturity, is to minimize contradictions. Those believers who have no interest in growing spiritually or think that a casual approach to learning God’s Word is okay, cannot fulfill the command of God to replace the knowledge that is contrary to the Word of God with accurate Bible doctrine.
God, in His grace, has set up certain protocols that must be strictly adhered to if a believer is to advance in his spiritual life and development a spiritual vocabulary. Random intake of Bible doctrine will not accomplish the goal. If a believer is to properly execute God’s protocol plan, he must be persistent and consistent in learning and applying Bible doctrine. There is no other plan for believers in this Age.
God has a purpose for His protocol plan and that is to glorify His Son, Jesus Christ. Glorification of Christ is accomplished through the life of an advancing believer as he exhibits the character of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Galatians 5:22-23) The character of Christ can be produced only by God the Holy Spirit as He is allowed to guide the thinking of a believer. Bible doctrine resident in the soul of the believer is the “raw material” that the Holy Spirit uses to teach and guide the believer through life’s journey. God never forces Himself or His protocol plan on us. He leaves the decision of whether we want to have a spiritually mature relationship with Him or not. However, we are all accountable for our own actions and decisions – good or bad. Here are the eleven principles of the Protocol Plan of God:
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system of authority. God has delegated that authority in the Laws of Divine Establishment and government for everyone, and in the spiritual realm through the spiritual gift of pastor-teacher. (Psalms 33:12; Ephesians 4:11)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a spiritual life for each believer. Therefore, you are the only one that can live your spiritual life – no one else can live it for you. (I John 1:5-10)
- The Protocol Plan of God recognizes the volition of the believer. Each believer is a production of his own decisions, whether they are positive or negative. Volition is important for establishing values. As you establish values, those values dictate the manner and function of your own volition [free will]. (Philippians 2:1-16)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system for advancement, or spiritual growth, which is Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness of your “heart” [the soul]. (II Peter 3:18)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system of Problem-Solving Devices. They are related to Bible doctrine in your The Christian Way of Life was designed for you to personally resolve your own problems before God without interference from others. (Ephesians 4:11-16; Hebrews 5:11-14)
- The Protocol Plan of God has both historical and individual time reference. The historical time reference is the unique dispensation of the Church Age. The individual time reference is from the moment you believed in Christ till the moment of your death or resurrection [Rapture], whichever occurs first. (Colossians 1:25-29)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a Portfolio of Invisible (spiritual) Assets which were provided for each believer in eternity past. (Ephesians 1:3)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system of invisible impact on history, which comes in five categories: 1] personal impact – blessing by association with a mature believer, a winner and invisible hero 2] historical impact – blessing by association to the client nation through the Pivot (remnant according to grace) 3] international impact – blessing by association to a non-client nation through spiritually mature missionary function 4] angelic impact – invisible heroes become a witness for the prosecution in Satan’s appeal trial, which extended from prehistoric times into the Church Age 5] heritage impact – blessing by association with the invisible hero after his death. (Romans 11:1-12)
- The Protocol Plan of God has precisely correct procedure, based on the principle that God has only one way of doing a thing – a right thing, done in a right way. (I Corinthians 14:40)
- The Protocol Plan of God has a system of eternal rewards for each believer who executes the Protocol Plan of God. And even if you fail to fulfill God’s plan, your rewards will be on record…they will be in Heaven, available for you to see. (I Corinthians 3:12-15)
- The Protocol Plan of God says that God makes war against the arrogant believer, but He gives grace to the humble believer. Humility becomes the basis for whether you are going to succeed or fail, because arrogance is always failure under the Protocol Plan of God. (James 4:6; I Peter 5:5-6)
Since there are no contradictions in the Protocol Plan of God, any contradictions that do exist in our lives are caused by our own negative decisions. For example, succumbing to the temptations of our sin nature to commit personal sin is a contradiction to the plan of God. Since temptation itself is not a sin, the source of sin in our lives is our volition. And we are all accountable for our sins whether we knew it was a sin or not; we decided to commit it and we are accountable for it.
Since personal sin is a contradiction to God’s plan, we must be diligent in using the Rebound Technique of I John 1:9 to eliminate the sin contradictions in our lives. Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for our sin, and He now provides the supernatural power to be delivered from it. This power is the power and filling of the Holy Spirit. God has completely blotted out our sins and does not remember them any longer. Therefore, we have no right to relive them, to think about them, to cry about them, to worry about them or to regret them – just confess them!
God actually says that we need to “forget” them. Forgetting means that we are to lose them out of our mind, to neglect them, don’t consider them, don’t dwell on, or ponder them. In other words, don’t give them an audience in your thinking. If they sneak back into our memory, we can simply use gratitude and thank God that they have already been forgiven and dealt with…. blotted out. God will never use them against us, and in fact, He doesn’t even remember them!! Therefore, let’s don’t insult God by using them against ourselves.
Living outside God’s power system, the Divine Dynasphere is a contradiction to God’s protocol plan. Dynasphere comes from the Greek word “dumamis,” meaning power, and the Attic Greek word “sphaia” meaning sphere. The power sphere is the area or boundary for the operation of the Christian life. The Divine Dynasphere is God’s plan for the Royal Family of God (Church Age believers).
God’s instruction for living in the Divine Dynasphere is an instruction to be filled with God the Holy Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit is the initial entrance into the Divine Dynasphere at salvation. (Ephesians 5:18) After salvation, believers are told to reside in the Divine Dynasphere designated by Biblical terms such as, “walk in the Spirit” and “walk in the Light,” which are synonymous terms for the filling of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:16: I John 1:5-7) God also tells believers not to grieve or to quench the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 4:30; I Thessalonians 5:19)
So, living outside God’s power system, the Divine Dynasphere, is a contradiction to God’s plan. When believers use their volition to live outside of God’s power system and to live in contradiction to His plan, they abandon any hope of establishing spiritual standards for their lives. There will be no chance of changing in their norms and standards or developing spiritual values that could change their lives in a dramatic way. Instead, they live within Satan’s world system and reject God’s plan for them.
Ignorance of Bible doctrine contradicts the Protocol Plan of God. No believer has an excuse for being ignorant of what the Bible teaches. God has promised to get truth to anyone who desires it regardless of age, I.Q., or any other factor. A person may be isolated from others in a remote part of the world and still God can get truth to them. Especially these days, we can see the truth of this with all the electronic devices we have, the internet, U-Tube, etc. (John 7:17)
Since ignorance cannot exist in the Protocol Plan of God, it should be obvious that we all need to learn as much accurate Bible doctrine as we can. This necessitates a life of commitment to studying the Word of God on a consistent basis. Studying the Bible does not mean reading a few passages each day. Study means spending quality time learning or reviewing Bible doctrine. Attending a church where accurate Bible doctrine is taught is the first step in learning how to study the Bible. Private study should accompany the studying a believer does at church. For example, taking time to review a doctrinal lesson, looking up verses that confirm what is being taught, comparing Scripture with Scripture is studying.
Remember, we all learn Bible doctrine the same way and we all begin as “babes in Christ.” As we learn doctrine academically and believe what we learn, the Holy Spirit converts that academic knowledge into spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge is the only knowledge that is applicable to the Christian life and spiritual growth. The Christian Way of Life is using our positive volition to say “yes” to God and allowing Him to do His work in our lives so that He receives all the glory.
Those who choose to remain ignorant of God’s Word and His plan for their lives, contradict who they really are as Royal Family of God. When this occurs, there is always a danger of becoming arrogant which is companion to ignorance of Bible doctrine. Arrogance establishes its own set of criteria for life, even the Christian life. For example, arrogance substitutes morality for spirituality, human good works for divine production, emotion for the filling of the Holy Spirit, Christian fellowship for a relationship with God and philosophy for accurate Bible doctrine. Ignorance and entering into a life of arrogance can be avoided only by staying in fellowship with God, filled with the Holy Spirit and learning and applying Bible doctrine consistently.
The Church Age Believer
Since the Protocol Plan of God has its own unique vocabulary, it is imperative that believers learn the terminology. Development of this vocabulary and categorical storage of Bible doctrine means there will be much fewer contradictions in the life of a believer. With a technical, theological vocabulary, a believer can utilize the accurate Bible doctrine they have stored to understand the doctrine that is specific to the Church Age in which we live. This doctrine is called the mystery doctrine of the Church. (Colossians 1:25-27)
Mastering both the technical vocabulary and understanding and using the Problem-Solving Devices results in a mentality that is glorifying to God. This means that a believer who has mastered this vocabulary will live life based on divine viewpoint and not human viewpoint. The goal of any believer who desires to advance in the spiritual life should be to fill their minds with accurate Bible doctrine and eliminate any form of human viewpoint thinking.
The Problem-Solving Devices encompass every aspect of the Christian Way of Life, the victorious life that God has planned for every believer. The Problem-Solving Devices are to be used as a system of problem solving for every Christian, regardless of their stage of growth in the Christian life. In other words, no one ever outgrows the need to use all ten. Depending on the problem to be solved, the believer may use one or several of the devices simultaneously as the solution to any of life’s challenges. When learned, believed and applied, this system will stabilize, sustain, empower, and liberate the believer. Consistent utilization of the system will advance the believer far beyond what he can imagine, to a lifestyle of a relaxed mental attitude toward circumstances, toward self, toward others and most importantly, toward God. Here is a brief description of the Ten Problem-Solving Devices:
- Rebound – Rebound is a word used to describe naming, admitting, acknowledging, or citing our personal sins to God. Rebound restores our fellowship with God and the filling of the Holy Spirit. (I John 1:9)
- The Filling of the Holy Spirit – “Filling” means to be guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit is temporary and is lost through personal sin but is restored by using the Rebound Technique. “Filling” means to fill up a deficiency, to be fully possessed, to be fully influenced and to be filled with a certain quality. (Ephesians 5:18)
- The Faith Rest Drill – The Faith Rest Drill is knowing, believing, and applying the promises, the principles, and the doctrines of the Word of God. (Isaiah 33:6) Claiming these promises eliminates mental attitude sins such as fear, worry and anxiety, which cut off Divine Viewpoint Thinking. Faith-Rest will restore Divine Viewpoint Thinking and stabilize a believer in times of pressure and adversity. Faith-Rest results in a relaxed mental attitude. (Matthew 11:28-30; Romans 8:28-30)
- Grace Orientation – Grace orientation means to become familiar with God’s grace plan and grace policies by adjusting to the facts and principles found in the Word of God, which puts you in correct relation to God and others.
- Doctrinal Orientation – The word “doctrinal” means pertaining to a teaching, a body of principles or a branch of knowledge. “Orientation” means familiarization with a particular person, thing, or field of knowledge. Doctrinal orientation, therefore, means to familiarize oneself with the teachings and principles of the Word of God.
- A Personal Sense of Destiny – Living in light of eternity and all that God has planned for us is a personal sense of destiny. This means that we must learn exactly who we are in Christ and what we have as a result.
- Personal Love for God – Personal love is based on the virtue of the object, the one who is loved. We learn to love God only by getting to know Him through His attributes as revealed in His Word. As we get to know Him through His Word and we obey His Word, we develop capacity to love Him, appreciate Him and enjoy His blessings.
- Impersonal Love for All Mankind – Impersonal love is based on the virtue of the subject, the one doing the loving (our virtue). Impersonal love is not what we normally think of as “” It is the virtue in our souls that causes us to have a relaxed mental attitude toward others and treat them with kindness, compassion, patience, and forgiveness. In other words, impersonal love is unconditional love for everyone.
- Sharing the Happiness of God – Sharing the happiness of God is having permanent contentment as your constant companion. This happiness is permanent because it does not depend on the circumstances in your life. It is actually God’s own perfect happiness that He shares with advancing believers as a grace gift.
- Occupation with the Person of Jesus Christ – Occupation with Christ means that we are fully aware of Christ in every area of our lives and that we are staying in fellowship with Him a maximum amount of time. It means that we are thinking divine viewpoint based on our knowledge of His Word and that we have no higher goal in life than to bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ in our thoughts, in our attitudes, in our words and in our actions.
Divine Viewpoint Thinking is found in the Word of God. The Bible is more reliable than anything we see, hear, smell, taste, or feel. It is the Word of God the Father, the mind of Jesus Christ and the voice of the Holy Spirit. In order to have Divine Viewpoint Thinking, you must know the doctrine taught in the Bible. The more Bible doctrine you know, the more Divine Viewpoint Thinking you will be able to exhibit. The less Bible doctrine you know, the more Human Viewpoint Thinking you will exhibit. The more Human Viewpoint Thinking you exhibit, the more insecure and unstable you are going to be. Human Viewpoint Thinking contradicts God’s plan. (I Corinthians 2:16; Hebrews 3:7, 4:12; II Peter 1:12-21)
Ignorance of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age means that a believer will never understand or fulfill the plan of God for their life. When this occurs, something else is substituted for a relationship with God. Normally, the substitution is some form of arrogance leading to either moral or immoral degeneracy. Self-righteous arrogance plus crusader arrogance (trying to change the devil’s world system) results in moral degeneracy. Pleasure seeking as a substitute for doctrine often leads to immoral degeneracy. Both responses to rejecting truth are contradictions to the Protocol Plan of God.
Church Age believers execute the Protocol Plan of God through their own thinking, their own attitudes, self-motivation, their own volition, and their own actions. In other words, we all must take control of our own lives and grow up spiritually. This is the true function of the Royal Priesthood of a believer.
Going through the motions by attempting to imitate the Christian life of another person is futile.
Believers must live their own lives before the Lord; no one else can do it for him. With your own spiritual
assets (indwelling of the Holy Spirit, eternal life, God’s righteousness, etc.) and accurate Bible teaching from your pastor, every believer has equal privilege and equal opportunity for the execution of the Protocol Plan of God and will glorify Him in the process. Take control and never allow someone else to do your thinking for you when it comes to learning and applying accurate Bible doctrine. Get off your spiritual crutches and walk by means of the filling of God the Holy Spirit!
The Local Church
We have equal privilege and equal opportunity, so there is no excuse for any believer to not fulfill the plan of God. Ephesians 3:18a,“I pray that you may utilize the power to grasp the idea with all the saints.” “With all the saints” implies that every believer, regardless of their I.Q., can understand the Word of God when it is taught accurately. Learning Bible doctrine is a process which starts with learning elementary doctrines and progresses to the more complex doctrines. Anyone with a positive attitude can learn even the most complex doctrines. It just means getting rid of a lazy mind and concentrating under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.
The purpose of the local church is to teach Bible doctrine. This is the primary reason we assemble with other believers. Encouragement and spiritual growth do not come from Christian fellowship. It comes from God’s Word. Bible doctrine is learned in groups of believers gathered under the doctrinal teaching of one pastor. This is how the local church began.
Under the privacy of the royal priesthood, every believer has the right to assemble with other believers for the purpose of learning doctrine. Under the privacy of the royal priesthood, believers have every right to remain anonymous or to befriend others in the congregation. But no believer has the right to judge others.
It is the responsibility of the pastor to protect the privacy of all believers in his congregation. Believers who are isolated, or unable to assemble with other believers for various reasons, can use technology to get their doctrine.
When we are able to assemble (by whatever means), it is for the purpose of learning accurate Bible doctrine and spiritual growth. No one ever advances in the Christian life through Christian fellowship, or any other means except accurate Bible doctrine. There is nothing wrong with Christian fellowship as long is it not substituted for the Christian life. If this occurs, Christian fellowship becomes a stumbling block.
Interaction with other believers in the local church can destroy a certain amount of privacy, which can interfere with learning doctrine. People get their eyes and minds on others and cannot concentrate on what is being taught. This “eyes on people” removes the emphasis on God and His Word and replaces it with emphasis on people. That becomes a distraction which often leads to sticking your nose into other believers’ business, gossip, maligning, or judging. It can become such a distraction that the pastor may have to intervene and even forbid a person from coming to church.
The Biblical pattern for learning doctrine is assembling together under the teaching of a man with the gift of pastor-teacher. The exception is where people are isolated and learn doctrine from tapes, books, or electronic devices. Either way, the emphasis should always be to maintain privacy and allow each believer to learn doctrine without any distractions. The congregation is dependent on the pastor for Bible teaching, not for attention, counseling, or social life. The public assembly of believers in the local church provides a classroom for doctrinal teaching and congregational learning. Under the principle of the royal priesthood, every believer in the congregation must have privacy.
Epistemological rehabilitation cannot occur unless a believer gets under the ministry of a pastor who teaches the mystery doctrine of the Church Age accurately. Resistance and/or indifference to Bible doctrine due to negative volition also keeps a believer from rehabilitating their thinking and knowledge.
God always provides the doctrine for positive volition. A right pastor means a prepared pastor, which means a pastor with thorough understanding of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.
Human I.Q.s among Christians vary widely, as with all people. But human I.Q. is never a handicap in the execution of the Protocol Plan of God. Many believers with a high I.Q. are losers spiritually because they try to use their human intellectual ability to learn doctrine instead of the filling of the Holy Spirit.
Learning Bible doctrine with emphasis on the mystery doctrine of the Church Age should be our number one priority. Our relationship with God must have priority over our relationship with people. The omnipotence (power) of God must take precedence over human dynamics or human power.
The mystery doctrine of the Church Age is available to all believers under the principle of equal privilege and equal opportunity. This means that learning doctrine is not an isolated privilege belonging to a few. God is perfect. Therefore, His plan is perfect. The perfect plan of God can function only under His perfect divine omnipotence, which is available to each of us. The perfect protocol plan of God can be executed only by the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit.
The omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit is not the only category of divine omnipotence available. The power of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit all combine to make it possible for us to learn doctrine and to grow in grace. Never has so much power from God been given to believers as in the Church Age. Since we do not have the supernatural power required to live the Christian life, God provides His own power. Imperfect believers cannot execute the Protocol Plan of God with their own human power. The perfection of the Protocol Plan of God excludes the function of any form of human dynamics. Each person of the Trinity has coequal, coeternal, co-infinite, and co-immutable divine power, called omnipotence. This omnipotence is guaranteed, delegated, and available through epistemological rehabilitation.
A Review by a Brief Summary of Epistemological Rehabilitation.
Epistemological Rehabilitation is defined as the interaction between the function of the believer’s positive volition and his persistence in expressing that positive volition through the intake of doctrine. Therefore, ignorance is excluded by the interaction of volition with cognition. This means that the absolutes of accurate Bible doctrine must be learned and applied to the life of a believer if they are going to advance in their spiritual lives. God’s absolute truth can therefore be verified and justified by knowledge of the Word of God, the Bible. Since God is perfect and His plan for us is also perfect, no contradictions can exist inside the plan of God. Ignorance of Bible doctrine will contradict the plan of God. Therefore, if we are serious students of God’s Word, we will want to know and understand the plan of God for our lives. IF YOU DON’T LOVE BIBLE DOCTRINE, YOU DON’T LOVE GOD!