Glossary of Terms
Angelic Conflict – the Angelic Conflict is the result of Lucifer (Satan) and one-third of the angelic beings rebelling against God when all angels made a decision for or against God. The Angelic Conflict refers to two “trials” of Satan and fallen angels, the original trial in prehistoric times and the appeal “trial” during human history. (Isaiah 14:12-15)
Antichrist –a person who assumes the identity of Christ or opposes Christ. The spirit of antichrist is defined as anyone who lines up in opposition to Christ. “The Antichrist” is a person that will be revealed during the dispensation of the Tribulation. This person is indwelt by Satan and is the one who deceives the entire world (except for a small group of believers) into believing that he is Christ, though in reality he opposes Christ. (Galatians 1:6-9; II Peter 2:1-22; Jude 1-25; I Timothy 4:1-16; II Timothy 2:24-26; 3:1-7; 4:1-4; I John 2:18-22; II Thessalonians 2:1-12; Acts 19:1-7)
Antropomorphism – assigning to God certain human characteristics, such as the hand of God, that He does not actually possess in order to make His policies understandable to the finite mind of mankind.
Anthropopathism – assigning to God certain human emotions or feelings, such as hatred, that He does not actually possess in order to make His policies understandable to the finite mind of mankind.
Baptism – “baptize” and “baptism” are Greek words that are not translated but transliterated. The Greek word for baptize (baptizo) means to identify one thing with another, to identify with “something else.” We know this because there are seven baptisms found in the Bible. Four of them are dry and three of them are wet, but in each of these baptisms something or someone is identified with something else. Baptize is not an English word. The proper meaning is to identify with something. Water baptism, for example means to identify a believer with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Canon of Scripture – The word canonicity comes from the Greek word “kanon,” meaning a measuring stick. In other words, canon means a norm or standard. In the case of the Canon of Scripture, it is God’s divine norm or standard for a collection of books, which form one book, our Bible.
Client Nation – a nation in which a certain number of spiritually mature believers have formed a pivot sufficient to sustain the nation and through which God furthers His plan for all of mankind.
Common Grace – the grace of God that is available to everyone, its benefits being intended for the entire human race without distinction. No one is ever excluded from the grace of God unless by their own volition the chose to reject His grace.
Cosmic System – the world system controlled by Satan in which we live. Satan rules the world system in which we live and controls every aspect of that system in order to distract and dupe both unbelievers and believers.
Dispensation – a period of human history expressed in terms of divine viewpoint. The administration of God’s purpose for the human race, by which a person can adjust to the justice and righteousness of God by faith in His Son Jesus Christ and the execution of the plan of God.
Divine Discipline – divine discipline is the sum total of punitive action taken by the justice of God in grace to correct, to punish, to encourage, to train, and to motivate the believer’s free will toward the Protocol Plan of God. Therefore, divine discipline is distinguished from divine judgment, in that discipline is for believers only, but judgment is directed toward all categories of the human race and angels under certain circumstances. (Hebrews 12:4-12)
Divine Dynasphere – dynasphere comes from the Greek word “dumamis,” meaning power, and the Attic Greek word “sphaia” meaning sphere (the place or environment within which a person or thing exists; a field of activity or operation). The power sphere is the area or boundary for the operational Christian life. The Divine Dynasphere is an interlocking system, having “gates” that a believer passes through on his way to spiritual maturity. It is God’s plan for the Royal Family of God (Church Age believers). It is God’s will, plan and purpose for the spiritual life of believers.
Divine Production – Christian service or deeds produced by the believer under the filling of God the Holy Spirit that are acceptable to the perfect standards of God which have eternal and lasting value and receive recognition and reward in Heaven. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Divine Viewpoint – God’s thinking which is found in God’s book, the Bible. The Bible is more reliable than anything we see, hear, smell, taste, or feel. It is the Word of God the Father, the mind of Jesus Christ and the voice of the Holy Spirit. We call God’s thinking Divine Viewpoint Thinking. (I Corinthians 2:16; Hebrews 3:7, 4:12; II Peter 1:12-21)
Edification Complex of the Soul – the Greek word for edification is “oikodome” and literally means the act of building or erecting a structure. (Ephesians 4:11-29) Like any structure, our “building” in the soul must have a firm foundation and properly constructed “floors.” Our foundation is Jesus Christ and the “floors” are categories of Bible doctrine. Once the foundation is in place, then the believer can begin to build upon it with full confidence that it will stand. The foundation is received at salvation, but the floors must be built over a period of time, as Bible doctrine is learned, believed and properly applied. (Ephesians 4:12,16,29; Colossians 2:7; I Timothy 1:4; James 1:4)
Efficacious Grace – the word efficacious is defined as having the power to produce the intended effect (effective). Therefore, efficacious grace is effective grace – grace that has the power to produce the intended effect. When applied to salvation, efficacious grace is all that God does for people when they put their faith in Christ that produces the intended result of salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Election – election is the plan of God for believers only, whereby He chooses or selects certain things to be true. The Greek word for election is “eklektos” and means picked out, selected, or chosen for privilege. Election is not God choosing a person for salvation as some teach; rather it is God choosing certain things to be true of the believer. An unbeliever must still use his volition to choose to believe in Christ. (Ephesians 1:4)
Emotional Revolt of the Soul – the condition in a person’s soul when emotion becomes the dominating influence instead of Bible doctrine. Instead of responding to Bible doctrine in the soul, emotion revolts and takes command of the soul and the life of a believer. (Romans 16:17-18; Philippians 3:17-19)
Epignosis – a Greek word used in the Word of God for spiritual knowledge and is the basis for spiritual wisdom when properly applied.
Etymology – the study of the origin of words and their meaning and how they are used both in the past and in the present.
Exegesis – the analysis of Scripture in the original languages. Each verse in a given context must be analyzed grammatically and syntactically from the original language. The etymology of words in the original languages must be traced for meaning and usage. The meaning of a word is determined by its usage. The function of words in a context depends upon their association with other words.
Faith – faith in its verb form is “to believe” and must have a subject and an object. In salvation, the subject is whosoever and the object is Jesus Christ. (John 3:16) In the Christian life, the subject is the believer and the object is the Word of God. (II Timothy 2:15) Faith is effective in the believer’s life only if faith has the right object. Faith is thinking. The content of what you’re thinking is what determines faith’s effectiveness in your life. There is no limit to the amount of faith that a believer can have, but doctrinal content in the soul is what determines the strength of your faith.
Faith-Rest Technique – Faith-Rest is knowing, believing and applying the promises, the principles and the doctrines of the Word of God. (Isaiah 33:6) There are over 7,000 promises in the Bible for the believer. These promises do us no good unless we mix them with faith and apply them to our situation. (Hebrews 4:2) Claiming these promises eliminates mental attitude sins such as fear, worry and anxiety, which cut off Divine Viewpoint Thinking. Faith-Rest will restore Divine Viewpoint Thinking and stabilize the believer in times of pressure and adversity. Faith–Rest results in a relaxed mental attitude. (Matthew 11:28-30; Romans 8:28-30)
Flesh – a Biblical term for the physical body where the sin nature resides. Often used as a synonym for the sin nature of mankind. (Galatians 5:16-21)
Filling of the Holy Spirit – to be filled is to be controlled by or empowered by the Holy Spirit. We choose to allow the Holy Spirit to control our lives by allowing Him to control our thinking. This means we must have the Word of God stored in our souls. It is this doctrinal information that the Holy Spirit uses to control our lives. The filling of the Holy Spirit is temporary and can be lost through personal sin but can be restored by using the Rebound Technique of I John 1:9. Filling means to fill up a deficiency, to be fully possessed, to be fully influenced and to be filled with a certain quality. (Ephesians 5:18)
Gnosis – a Greek word used in the Word of God for academic knowledge and has no spiritual value until it is converted into spiritual knowledge (epignosis) by faith.
Grace – grace is all that God is free to do for mankind on the basis of the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Grace is undeserved mercy and unmerited favor. Grace is the title of God’s plan and His policy for mankind. Grace is God’s policy for salvation according to Ephesians 2:8-9 and His policy for the Christian life according to Titus 2:11-14.
Grace Apparatus for Perception – the divine provision for spiritual comprehension, growth and advancement empowered by the filling of the Holy Spirit that enables every believer to understand, learn, and apply the entire realm of Bible doctrine, regardless of education or human IQ. (II Peter 3:18)
Heart – the mentality of the soul is divided into two frontal lobes. The right lobe of the soul in Greek is called “kardia” and is translated “heart” in the Bible. The right lobe is where spiritual knowledge is stored. The left lobe of the soul in Greek is called “nous,” and is translated “mind” in the Bible and is the perceptive lobe for academic knowledge.
Heresy – Biblical heresy is defined as a believer or an unbeliever who rejects or distorts the truth of the Word of God as a result of being deceived by Satan or his ministers. (I Timothy 4:1-16; II Timothy 2:24-26)
Heathenism – it is not the absence of the knowledge of God that makes a person a heathen, but rather the rejection of truth at either God-consciousness or Gospel-hearing. This means that heathenism can exist anywhere, even in the United States of America, when people reject truth. Heathenism is not confined to a specific geographical location. Heathenism is negative volition towards God and His Word, and can be found anywhere, even in churches! (Romans 1:18-19)
Human Spirit – the immaterial part of mankind designed by God and given to a person at salvation to store and utilize Bible doctrine or spiritual information. Regeneration, a theological term for being “born again,” is the term for when God creates a human spirit in the believer at salvation. (John 3:1-8; I Thessalonians 5:23; Titus 3:5; Ephesians 2:1,5)
Human Viewpoint – the thinking of Satan’s world system that is contrary to the thinking of God and His Word. This includes philosophy, psychology, psychiatry or any other means of thinking that is contrary to the Word of God. (Romans 12:1-2)
Hypostatic Union – Jesus Christ is the unique Person of the universe. He is the only Person in history to be both fully God and fully man. The term for this unique union is Hypostatic Union and is derived from the Greek word hupostatis meaning same essence. In the case of Christ, it is both divine and human essence in one Person, forever. He is the God-Man. (Hebrews 1:1-4)
Impeccability – Christ remained free from the three categories of sin: the sin nature, Adam’s original sin and personal sins. The sin nature is passed down genetically from the father, but Christ had no human father. The virgin birth of Christ assured that He would have no sin nature. (I Corinthians 15:22)
Impersonal Love – impersonal love is not what we normally think of as love. It is the virtue in your soul that causes you to have a relaxed mental attitude toward others and treat them with kindness, compassion, patience and forgiveness. In other words, impersonal love is how we treat others. Therefore, impersonal love must be based on the virtue of the subject, the one doing the loving (“the treating”). (I John 4:7-12)
Imputation – the Greek word for impute is “logizomai” and it means “to reckon” or “to take into account.” “Credit to one’s account” is another good rendering of the word from Greek. Divine imputations are motivated by God’s love but function as His justice. This means that God’s love can never override His justice, or it would compromise God’s essence, which is impossible.
Incarnation – the coming of Jesus Christ at the Virgin Birth when His deity and humanity were united in one Person, forever. (John 1:14)
Isagogics – the interpretation of the Bible from the original languages of Scripture in its historical setting by comparing Scripture with Scripture to arrive at the accurate meaning of a word, a verse or a passage.
Judgment Seat of Christ – The Judgment Seat of Christ is for believers only and takes place sometime shortly after the Rapture of the Church. At the Rapture, all living and dead believers from the Church Age will meet Jesus Christ in the air and will be led in a processional to Heaven, having received a glorified body like Christ’s, fully conscious, fully recognizable and with increased knowledge. God’s Word indicates that there will then be a time of celebration, when we worship and praise our Savior. (I Corinthians 4:5; 15:51-54; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Philippians 3:21)
Justification – the Greek word for justification is “dikaiosis’ and means “to declare righteous” or “to be acquitted from guilt.” Justification is one half of God’s holiness (integrity), righteousness being the other half. Justification is the function or action of God’s integrity and righteousness is the principle or standard of God’s integrity. God’s justice carries out the judicial sentences pronounced by God’s righteousness. (Romans 5:1-2)
Kenosis – Christ voluntarily restricted the function of His deity. This doctrine takes its name from the Greek word “kenoo,” which means to deprive oneself of a rightful function. This doctrine explains how Christ, the Creator of the universe, could leave Heaven and become a man. II Corinthians 8:9 tells us that even though Christ was rich, for our sakes He became poor. (Philippians 2:5-8)
Kinsman Redeemer – the Old Testament practice of the kinsman redeemer is a perfect example of how Christ becomes our sin-bearer and redeems us from the Law and from sin. The biblical concept of the kinsman redeemer found in the Book of Ruth and other places in the Old Testament is a perfect illustration of the sin-bearer. The Biblical definition of the word “redeemed” is “to be purchased from the slave-market of sin.” There are three Greek words for redemption: “agorazo” meaning to buy, “exagorazo” meaning to buy out of or remove from sale and “lutroo” meaning to release on receipt of ransom or payment. Christ has redeemed us from the slave-market of sin and from the Mosaic Law. (Romans 7:14)
Laws of Divine Establishment –divine laws established to ensure the function and the perpetuation of the human race. These laws are given by God to believers and unbelievers alike. Within these laws there is no discrimination based on race, nationality, gender or any other factor. God’s Laws of Divine Establishment apply equally to all members of the human race in all Dispensations. This means that anyone, believer or unbeliever, can have a peaceful, happy life, if they apply these principles. On the other hand, failure to abide by these principles or laws by individuals or nations brings only disaster.
Legalism – the trend of mankind that attempts to gain the approval of God for salvation or spirituality by human good deeds, religious activity, morality, rituals or some code of ethics. (Titus 3:5-7)
Logistical Grace – the provision by the grace of God of the necessities of life for all believers in Christ. For the advancing believer, God provides greater grace. (Mathew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:19; James 4:6)
New Creation – Prior to salvation a person is merely God’s creation, but not a part of God’s family. Becoming a part of God’s family is a matter of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior. This act of faith places a person into union with Christ and they instantaneously become a child of God. No longer is this person merely a creation of God, they are now a “new” creation of God, which is a different classification spiritually. Before salvation a person is spiritually dead (separated from God); after salvation a person is spiritually alive (reconciled to God). (John 1:12)
Non-meritorious – the meaning of non-meritorious is without merit and refers to the fact that there is nothing a person can do to gain the approval of God through human effort. Salvation cannot be earned through good deeds nor is it deserved by any means. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Omnipotence – God is all powerful, infinitely able to do all things by His power within His holy character or essence. However, He will not make right wrong, nor will He act foolishly. He will not abuse His power and compromise His justice. If God is limited at any time it is because of a self-limitation consistent with His own essence. God can do all He wills to do, but He may not will to do all He can.
(Isaiah 44:24; II Corinthians 4:6; Ephesians 1:19-21, 3:20; Hebrews 1:3)
Omnipresence – God is personally present everywhere. The whole of God is in every place. This is not pantheism, since pantheism denies the Person of God saying that God is in the rocks, the grass, etc. God, in the total of His essence fills the universe. (Psalm 139:7-8; Jeremiah 23:23-24; Acts 17:27) God is also free to be local, as in the mountain with Moses, or in the Holy of Holies above the Mercy Seat. He is free to become flesh and dwell among us as Christ did. (John 1:14)
Omniscience – God knows perfectly, eternally, and simultaneously all that is knowable, whether it is actual or possible. He knows our thoughts, motives, decisions and actions. God is eternal and has eternal knowledge. God is truth and His knowledge is totally and perfectly accurate. Since God has always existed, His knowledge has always existed with Him. Therefore, He knows perfectly and simultaneously everything that has occurred or ever will occur. He knows perfectly and eternally all that is knowable, whether actual or possible. (Psalm 139:1-4)
Operation Footstool – Operation Footstool refers to the termination of the strategic victory of the Angelic Conflict, by which the Lord Jesus Christ returns to the earth to establish His kingdom and to remove Satan and all fallen angels. (Psalm 110:1; Hebrews 1:13; 10:13)
Operation Z – a term used to describe the process of learning Bible doctrine. There are four stages to learning, believing and applying Bible doctrine called “Operation Z.” In stage one, the pastor communicates accurate Bible doctrine to his congregation. In stage two, the Holy Spirit teaches this doctrine to the human spirit of believers. In stage three, the Holy Spirit transfers the doctrine from the human spirit to the mind of the believer. In stage four, the Holy Spirit converts mere academic doctrine into full spiritual knowledge in the stream of consciousness of the believer when the believer believes the doctrine. Therefore, Operation Z is a ministry of God the Holy Spirit to Church Age believers who are positive toward Bible doctrine and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Personal Love – personal love is based on the virtue of the object, the one who is loved. Personal love for God is a function of the Royal Priesthood of the believer. Before we can love one another, we must learn to love God. We learn to love God only by getting to know Him through His attributes as revealed in His Word. As we get to know Him through His Word and obedience to His Word, we develop capacity to appreciate Him and enjoy His blessings. Our personal love for God is based upon our thinking,not our emotions. (I John 4:15-21)
Portfolio of Invisible Assets – a portfolio is a word which originated in English from the flat portable briefcase used for carrying documents. Our portfolio is full of the 40 spiritual assets provided to a person when they place their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
Predestination – the Greek word for predestinate is “proorizo.” “Pro” means before and “orizo” means to mark or to design. Combined these words mean “to determine or to design beforehand.” In eternity past God predesigned a perfect plan for every believer. God decided that anyone who believed in Christ would receive certain blessings on earth and, greater blessings in eternity. This plan was predetermined by God for the believer’s maximum happiness. (Romans 8:29; Ephesians 1:3-12)
Problem-Solving Devices – the Problem-Solving Devices encompass every aspect of the Christian Way of Life, the victorious life that God has planned for every believer. The Problem-Solving Devices are to be used as a system of problem solving for every Christian, regardless of his stage of growth in the Christian life. In other words, no one ever outgrows the need to use all ten. Depending on the problem to be solved, a believer may use one or several of the devices simultaneously as the solution to any of life’s challenges. When learned, believed and applied, this system will stabilize, sustain, empower, and liberate the believer. Consistent utilization of the system will advance the believer far beyond what he can imagine, to a lifestyle of a relaxed mental attitude toward circumstances, toward self, toward others and most importantly, toward God.
Propitiation – the Greek word for propitiation is “hilasmos” and means to appease the wrath of an offended party or to satisfy the just demands of someone that has been offended. Since the sentence that God pronounced on sin is spiritual death, only spiritual death will satisfy the just demands of God’s righteousness. Only one Person in history was qualified to meet this just demand. Jesus Christ literally became “the propitiation” for the sin of the entire world. By His impeccable (sinless) life, Jesus satisfied the perfect righteousness of God. By His spiritual death, Jesus satisfied the perfect justice of God that His righteousness demanded. (I John 2:1-2, 4:10)
Protocol Plan of God – protocol is strict adherence to precisely correct procedure. In the case of believers, protocol is strict adherence to the mandates from God and using the correct procedure for carrying out those mandates. These mandates and the precisely correct procedures are found in only one place, the Word of God. By learning and applying the truth found in the Bible, believers can fulfill God’s purpose, plan and will. When this truth is presented from the Word of God in a systematic manner, it allows any believer to grow spiritually (regardless of I.Q.) by following God’s plan.
Rapture –the Rapture is used here in a technical theological sense for the resurrection of the Royal Family of God (the Church) to meet Christ in the air. This occurs on God’s timetable when the last person on earth during the Church Age believes in Christ as Savior. The Church will then be resurrected as the body of Christ to become the bride of Christ. When the royal family of God is completed, then the Rapture occurs. (I Thessalonians 4:16-18; I Corinthians 15:51-58)
Rebound – Rebound, because it means to bounce back, is a word used to describe confessing our personal sins to God. The Greek word for confess is “homologeo” and it means to name, admit, acknowledge or cite (as in a courtroom). Rebound restores our fellowship with God and the filling of the Holy Spirit. (I John 1:9)
Reconciliation – reconcile cmes from the Greek word “katallasso” and means to change or to exchange (originally referring to money). It came to mean a change from being one’s enemy to being one’s friend. This is the meaning throughout the New Testament. At salvation, the believer is reconciled to God. This means that the believer is no longer God’s enemy, but that peace has been made as a result of the person’s faith in Christ. (Romans 5:10; II Corinthians 5:17-21)
Redemption – the Biblical definition of the word “redeemed” is “to be purchased from the slave-market of sin.” There are three Greek words for redemption: “agorazo” meaning “to buy,” “exagorazo” meaning “to buy out of or remove from sale” and “lutroo” meaning “to release on receipt of ransom or payment.” Christ has redeemed us from the slave-market of sin and from curse of the Mosaic Law, which is spiritual death. (Romans 7:14; Galatians 3:13)
Religion – the word religion itself comes from two Latin words, “re,” meaning “back” and “ligio,” meaning “to bind.” Religion is man’s attempt to bind himself back to God by his own efforts. Since this is an impossible task, religion actually makes a person antagonistic toward God and His plan. Christianity teaches that it is Jesus Christ Who binds us back to God by means of our faith in His death, burial and resurrection. It is therefore God’s plan to provide for mankind something that he cannot provide for himself. God provides this plan in three stages. (II Corinthians 5:17-21)
Remnant According to Grace – there has always been a small group of believers who are advancing in their spiritual lives and remain faithful to God and His Word. It is this group of believers we often call “the pivot” since history is often influenced by the size of this faithful group of believers. (Romans 11:5)
Reversionism – the condition of a believer that is negative toward Bible doctrine and as a result has stopped growing spiritually. It is failure to follow God’s plan of executing the Christian Way of Life. The reversionist is a believer in perpetual carnality, out of fellowship with God and controlled by his sin nature. (If you are not advancing toward spiritual maturity as a Christian, you are retreating into reversionism). (James 4:4; Philippians 3:18-19; I John 3:10; James 1:8, 4:8; II John 9; James 1:22-24; Romans 7:23; Hebrews 12:3-15; II Peter 2:7-8; Revelation 2)
Right Lobe of the Soul – the right lobe of the soul in Greek is called “kardia” and is translated “heart” in the Bible. The right lobe is where spiritual knowledge is stored in the form of a frame of reference, spiritual vocabulary and categories of Bible doctrine.
Righteousness – righteousness is one half of God’s holiness and justice is the other half. Often in the Scriptures, God’s righteousness and justice are interchangeable because they are so closely associated. Righteousness is the standard or principle of God’s integrity and justice is the function or action of God’s integrity. (II Corinthians 5:21)
Royal Ambassadorship – every Christian is an ambassador for Jesus Christ. The Greek word for ambassador is “presbeuo” and means “eldership, aged or rank.” This makes perfect sense for Christians, since you cannot properly represent Jesus Christ on earth if you are not advancing in the Christian Way of Life. The Royal Ambassadorship of the believer is your visible relationship with others and is the result of (not the means of) your spiritual life (your invisible relationship with God). Just like secular ambassadors, there are effective ambassadors and non-effective ambassadors. (II Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:20)
Royal Priesthood – as members of the Royal Family of God, every believer in this age is appointed as a royal priest. This appointment is a grace function and therefore does not depend on spiritual advance. All believers, male, female, old, young, mature or immature are members of the Royal Priesthood. However, this does not mean that all priests are equal. It means that they have equal privilege to perform the duties of a priest as outlined in the Word of God. (I Peter 2:5-9; Revelation 1:6)
Sanctification – sanctification is the Greek word “hagiasmos” and literally means “separation unto God” or “to be set apart to God’. It is the same word used for “saint” and “holy.” Therefore, all believers are saints and all believers are holy. However, sanctification is in three stages for the believer and these stages must always be distinguished in order to accurately interpret the Word of God. The first is positional, the second is experiential and the third is ultimate. Each is a separate and a distinct stage in the life of the believer. (Romans 6:22; II Thessalonians 3:13; I Peter 1:2)
Saving Grace – saving grace saves the unbeliever from the condemnation of spiritual death (separation from God) and places that person, who is now a believer, in a permanent relationship with God. This permanent relationship sets up great potential for blessing from God, all of which is based upon His grace. (John 3:18; Romans 8:1)
Scar Tissue on the Soul – scar tissue of the soul, also known as hardness of the heart, is the result of prolonged residence and function inside the Satan’s world system. (Hebrews 3:7-15)
Sin Nature – the corrupted nature of mankind that is passed down genetically from the father as a result of Adam’s original sin in the Garden of Eden and resides in the body. The term “flesh” is often used as a synonym for the sin nature. (Romans 5:18-19)
Spiritual Assets – the 40 spiritual blessings that all believers receive at salvation.
Spiritual Death – the condition of the human race in being separated from a relationship with God since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. It is condition that every human being is born with because of the imputation of Adam’s original sin. Spiritual death was what Christ suffered on the Cross as the payment for the sin of the entire world. (Romans 6:23)
Spirituality – spirituality is the term used for the filling of God the Holy Spirit. The filling and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit are not the same and should not be confused. At the moment a person trusts Christ as Savior, he is permanently indwelt by the Holy Spirit. However, the filling of the Holy Spirit, which is also received at salvation, is temporary and is lost when a believer commits personal sin. (I Corinthians 2:10-16)
Super-grace – supergrace is a catergory within spiritual maturity. The nomenclature comes from James 4:6, “greater grace.” Both are related to God’s power. (Ephesians 1:19) Both are described as a believer pursuing grace. (Psalm 23:5-6; Ephesians 1:6)The blessings of each are beyond human imagination. (Ephesians 3:20) In I Timothy 1:14 both are described as “abundant grace.” By definition, therefore, supergrace is the highest adult stage of the spiritual life in the Royal Family of God. Supergrace is maximum glorification of Jesus Christ. Supergrace and ultra-supergrace are categories within spiritual maturity. Supergrace is the maximum function of the Royal Priesthood and the maximum production of divine good. Ultra-supergrace is maximum growth and blessing from maximum testing.
Theophanies –appearances of Jesus Christ prior to the incarnation (His first coming to earth as a human being). Often Christ appears as the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament.
Tongues – the so-called gift of tongues today is not the legitimate gift of tongues in the New Testament. As a matter of fact, the word tongues is a poor translation from the Greek. The Greek word for tongues is either “glossa” meaning a language or “dialektos” meaning the dialect of a language. We get the English word glossary (vocabulary) from the Greek word “glossa” and dialect from the Greek word “dialektos.” The legitimate gift was the temporary ability to speak a known foreign language not previously learned for the evangelization of people from different parts of the world. (Acts 2:1-4; I Corinthians 13:8)
The Tribulation – a period of seven years after the Rapture of the Church when the Antichrist takes control of the world and sets himself up as the ruler causing people to worship him as God. During the Tribulation Satan will be in full control of two beings, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet. The Anti-Christ will dominate the world political system like never before in the history of man and will in many ways mimic the ancient Roman Empire. The False Prophet will represent the false religion of “beast worship” and will do the bidding of the Anti-Christ in convincing the world that the Anti-Christ is the true messiah. Revelation 13 describes these two beings, which, with Satan, form an unholy trinity, mimicking the true Holy Trinity.
Ultra-Super-Grace –ultra-supergrace is a category within spiritual maturity. Ultra-supergrace is maximum growth and blessing from maximum testing resulting in maximum glorification of God.
Undeserved Sufferings –when the believer is in fellowship, and under the control of God the Holy Spirit, he does not have to be ashamed of his suffering. Why? The reason he doesn’t have to be ashamed is that through suffering he can glorify God. God is glorified when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and using the doctrine that we have learned through the Faith-Rest Technique. This, of course, brings inner happiness and peace. (I Peter 4)
Works – human effort to please or gain the approval of God for salvation or spirituality including, but not limited to, such things as church membership, water baptism, religious rituals, performing good deeds, obeying the Ten Commandments, good behavior.(Romans 11:6)