The Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts – Lesson 1
The Greek word for gift is “charisma,” which means grace. All spiritual gifts are a matter of grace! No spiritual gift is given based on the merit of a believer. Spiritual gifts cannot be earned, purchased, assumed or prayed for. It is the sovereign work of God the Holy Spirit Who bestows spiritual gifts to believers at the point of salvation. (Romans 12:6-8; I Corinthians 12:1-11; Ephesians 4:7-11; I Peter 4:10.
Therefore, a spiritual gift is never earned, deserved, or developed through any form of emotional or non-emotional experience. The gift given represents the wisdom of the Holy Spirit because he knows which spiritual gift is the right one for individual believers. A few believers have more than one spiritual gift.
Initial distribution of spiritual gifts came from the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus made the first distribution on the day of Pentecost, ten days after His ascension, according to Ephesians 4:7-8. But since that time, the Holy Spirit makes the distribution of all spiritual gifts according to Hebrews 2:4 and I Corinthians 12:11. In several passages, spiritual gifts are ascribed to God without distinguishing which member of the Godhead is the giver. But today the Holy Spirit is the giver according to
I Corinthians 12:11, “But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.”As He willsis a reference to the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit.
Your spiritual gift begins to function through normal spiritual growth. From the standpoint of the Word of God, all believers have equal privilege and equal opportunity. This means that the distinction between believers in the eyes of God is never related to appearance, personality, or any form of human or alleged spiritual achievement. The only distinction between believers can be categorized under two concepts:
1) Spiritual growth. Some believers use their equal privilege and equal opportunity and achieve phenomenal growth. Distinction among believers on the basis of their spiritual growth is a result of their motivation, volition, and priorities. 2) Spiritual Gifts. God the Holy Spirit in His sovereign wisdom has provided different spiritual gifts, so that different functions exists in the body of Christ. The analogy of the different functions each member of the human body is used to describe the function of spiritual gifts. (I Corinthians 12:14-26)
The effectiveness of the spiritual gift depends upon two factors: 1) the filling of the Holy Spirit 2) the degree of spiritual growth. If a believer is growing spiritually, their gift will begin to function. Spiritual gifts function only inside the Divine Dynasphere under the enabling power of the Holy Spirit and from Bible doctrine. Emotion neither characterizes the filling of the Spirit nor the function of spiritual gifts. Spiritual growth from accurate Bible doctrine is when a spiritual gift will begin to function, even sometimes without a person being aware of it.
The Source of Spiritual Gifts
God is the source of spiritual gifts. God the Father as the source is documented in Hebrews 2:4. God the Father as the planner assigns the ministry of God the Holy Spirit for giving spiritual gifts. Distribution of spiritual gifts are made as a witness to the strategic victory of Jesus Christ during the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union. God the Father is also the author of our Portfolio of Invisible Assets, which include both temporary and permanent spiritual gifts.
God the Son as the source of spiritual gifts is documented in Ephesians 4:7. “To each one of us, this grace has been given according to the measure of the spiritual gift from Christ. Therefore, it [Old Testament Scriptures] says, `When He ascended into heaven, He led a host of captives in a triumphal procession from a state of captivity, and He gave spiritual gifts to men.’” There were two results of Christ’s ascension: 1) the transfer of Old Testament saints from Paradise in Hades to Heaven 2) spiritual gifts were distributed to believers. God the Son, having already ascended, is no longer distributing spiritual gifts.
There are two categories of spiritual gifts: 1) temporary spiritual gifts which were operational during the before the completion of the Canon of Scripture during the Church Age. This period extended from around A.D. 30 to A.D. 96 2) permanent spiritual gifts which function from the completion of the New Testament in 96 A.D. until the Rapture of the Church.
On the day the Church Age began, there was no New Testament. So, temporary spiritual gifts were designed to take up the slack in the Church Age until the New Testament Canon was completed and circulated, and the mystery doctrine of the Church Age was written. (Hebrews 2:1-4) Not one principle of the Christian Way of Life was ever taught in the Old Testament. All mystery doctrine was taught in the New Testament. So, the temporary spiritual gifts were designed to function temporarily in place of the New Testament, and many of them were spectacular in nature. On the other hand, permanent spiritual gifts function throughout the Church Age, but are emphasized from the time of the completion of the Canon of Scripture.
Distinctions and Spiritual Gifts
The temporary gifts of the apostolic age became the source of abuse under two concepts: 1) While operative, there were some abuses 2) Since they have been discontinued, people still claim to have them. This is an abuse since they no longer exist. The Corinthian Church was involved in some of these abuses.
The Corinthians emphasized and exalted spectacular gifts and related them to spirituality. Spectacular gifts are not spirituality, any more than less spectacular gifts. Spirituality is not based upon spiritual gifts; spirituality is based on the filling of the Holy Spirit.
Every believer has a spiritual gift in his Portfolio of Invisible Assets; this gift is given to him at salvation.
No matter how insignificant a spiritual gift may appear to you or to others, it is essential for the function of the body of Christ; just as every position on a team is important for the function of that team. Spiritual gifts have their highest function in spiritual adulthood. Your spiritual gift will function to the maximum when you reach spiritual maturity.
Temporary Spiritual Gifts
Temporary spiritual gifts were foundational as the early Church was being formed. The purpose of gifts at that time was to confirm the spoken word of the apostles and disciples of the Lord. Some of these gifts were for the detection of heresy in the Church, which was rampant in the first century Church. Some gifts were given to evangelize the lost in their own language. When these known languages were spoken in the local church an interpreter was always required in order that the entire congregation could be taught. There were also temporary gifts that established the apostles’ authority over all churches. And finally, there were certain gifts given to men for the teaching of doctrine not yet a part of the canon of Scripture.
Communication Gifts
- Apostleship – Established authority over several churches. (I Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11)
- Prophecy – Forthtelling or foretelling events not yet recorded in the canon of Scripture and teaching Bible doctrine. (Romans 12:6; I Corinthians 12:10, 28; Ephesians 4:11)
Sign Gifts
- Tongues – The ability to speak a known language not previously learned. (I Corinthians 12:10, 28)
- Interpretation of Tongues – The ability to translate the unknown language into the common language spoken in the church. (I Corinthians 12:10)
- Healing – The ability to heal at will regardless of the person’s faith or lack of faith who was being healed. (I Corinthians 12:9, 28)
- Miracles – The ability to perform miracles at will. (I Corinthians 12:10, 28)
- Faith – A companion gift to healing and miracles involving the faith of the person with the gift, not the one receiving the miracle or healing. (I Corinthians 13:2)
Organizational Gifts
- Discerning of Spirits – The ability to detect heresy in the church. (I Corinthians 12:10)
- Knowledge – Knowing Bible doctrine not yet in the Canon of Scripture. (I Corinthians 13:2, 8)
- Wisdom – This gift accompanied the gift of knowledge, as the ability to explain and apply the mystery doctrine taught by the gift of knowledge. (I Corinthians 12:8)
Permanent Spiritual Gifts
Permanent spiritual gifts were given to the early church and continue to be operational throughout the Church Age in which we live. The purpose for these gifts, as stated in Scripture, is for the teaching of the believer, the edification of the believer and for divine production by the believer. Every spiritual need of the believer in this age is met by the function of one or more of these spiritual gifts.
Communication Gifts
- Pastor-Teacher – The ability to study, learn and teach Bible doctrine accurately in a systematic way because of his interest in the congregation understanding truth and growing spiritually. He also shepherds the local church, which means he protects them against apostasy and heresy through accurate interpretation and teaching. (Ephesians 4:11)
- Evangelist – The ability to communicate the Gospel clearly and effectively for the main purpose of leading people to Christ. The evangelist is normally involved in outreach ministries and missionary activities. They normally have a charismatic and dynamic personality. (Ephesians 4:11)
Service Gifts
- Administration, ruling, governments – An organized person that has the ability to manage people, programs, finances, set up systems and delegate responsibilities. (I Corinthians 12:28; Romans 12:8)
- Helps – The ability to serve behind the scenes without recognition. They are flexible and adaptable. They will do whatever needs to be done without complaint. (I Corinthians 12:28)
- Giving – The ability to give above and beyond what the average believer is able to give. They are good with finances and know how money is spent and used for the good of the local church body. They are wise stewards of what God gives them. (Romans 12:8)
- Ministering – The ability to render service to the physical needs of others, such as helping the poor with food, clothing, etc. (Romans 12:7)
- Showing Mercy – The ability to empathize with the needs of others. They are sensitive, caring and concerned about the needs of others. They strive to reduce the pain of others and make good hospital visitors. (Romans 12:8)